
Steigern Sie den Erfolg Ihres Unternehmens mit strategischen Markt- und Geschäftseinblicken

MarshBerry bietet umfassende Ressourcen zum intellektuellen Kapital, eine große Bandbreite an unternehmenseigenen Studien und individuellen Forschungsinitiativen, aussagekräftige Brancheninformationen, Best Practices und praktische Anwendungen. Damit können auch Sie vom Planen zum Handeln übergehen.


In knowledge-intensive markets like insurance brokers and wealth management, business intelligence provides vital support to organizational value. MarshBerry’s Intellectual Capital division is the foundation of our firm. The Intellectual Capital team offers a full suite of resources, extensive proprietary studies and custom research, rich industry data, best practices, and hands-on practical applications to help drive profit and increase the value of your firm.

Blog „Today’s ViewPoint“

Keep pace with insurance brokers and wealth management trends and rapidly evolving market landscapes. Today’s ViewPoint blog provides relevant insight and views from expert MarshBerry advisors and other industry leaders to help you make informed decisions.


MarshBerry provides industry-leading data and insights, perspectives and market conditions to help your leadership stay abreast of developments in the insurance brokers and wealth management industries. MarshBerry has created its perspective on the international market, which expands on observation and trends across Europe.