European Transactions

Leading European Transactions in Insurance and Wealth Management

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* IMAS Corporate Finance LLP has been acquired by MarshBerry
† Advisory services provided by MarshBerry Capital
December 2015 Osprey Underwriting Agency Limited Thomas Miller Investment Acquisition

Osprey Underwriting Agency Limited has acquired Thomas Miller Investment

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Thomas Miller Investment*

November 2015 Chase Templeton Consilium Employee Benefits Acquisition

Chase Templeton has acquired Consilium Employee Benefits

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Consilium Employee Benefits*

August 2015 Marsh McLennan Companies SME Insurance Services Acquisition

Marsh McLennan Companies has acquired SME Insurance Services

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to SME Insurance Services*

May 2015 Bowmark Capital Aston Scott Group plc Acquisition

Bowmark Capital has acquired Aston Scott Group plc

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Aston Scott Group plc*

April 2015 Integro Insurance Brokers NPA Insurance Broking Group Acquisition

Integro Insurance Brokers has acquired NPA Insurance Broking Group

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to NPA Insurance Broking Group*

February 2015 Wesleyan Assurance Society Syscap Acquisition

Wesleyan Assurance Society has acquired Syscap

United Kingdom

IMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Syscap*

* IMAS Corporate Finance LLP has been acquired by MarshBerry
† Advisory services provided by MarshBerry Capital