European Transactions
Leading European Transactions in Insurance and Wealth Management
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† Advisory services provided by MarshBerry Capital

Osprey Underwriting Agency Limited has acquired Thomas Miller Investment
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Thomas Miller Investment*
November 2015

Chase Templeton has acquired Consilium Employee Benefits
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Consilium Employee Benefits*
August 2015

Marsh McLennan Companies has acquired SME Insurance Services
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to SME Insurance Services*
May 2015

Bowmark Capital has acquired Aston Scott Group plc
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Aston Scott Group plc*
April 2015

Integro Insurance Brokers has acquired NPA Insurance Broking Group
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to NPA Insurance Broking Group*
February 2015

Wesleyan Assurance Society has acquired Syscap
United KingdomIMAS acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Syscap*
† Advisory services provided by MarshBerry Capital