Financial Performance Optimizations
What is MarshBerry’s Financial Snapshot?
Look Beyond Your Own Numbers to Understand How to Improve Your Business
It’s one thing to analyze and make business decisions to improve your firm’s income statement and balance sheet, but it is even more powerful when you can benchmark against your peers. MarshBerry’s proprietary Financial Snapshot benchmarking report gives you a broad and significant view of how you compare to top performing peers and helps you determine what levers to pull, and goals to set, to improve.

What do I gain by leveraging Financial Snapshot?
Studying your firm’s topline numbers and profit margins is essential, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle when determining your competitive advantage. MarshBerry’s Financial Snapshot offers insight into your peers’ performance at each line item in the income statement. This includes comparisons of your firm’s numbers against both the total average and the top 25% of your peers. All of this valuable analysis is accessible through our user-friendly, proprietary digital platform: the Value Intelligence Platform.
Financial Snapshot also includes custom key metrics that give insight into the health of the business, including:
- Income: Year-over-year growth
- Trust ratio: An agency’s ability to meet account current payments owed to insurance carriers
- Coverage & leverage ratios: The available cash flow to meet current obligations
- And many other important ratios that can be compared to those of other firms with similar revenue size

What Makes MarshBerry’s Financial Snapshot Different?
- Data with 40+ years of in-depth analysis and advisory experience.
- Proprietary technology and dedicated team of analysts.
- Data submission is easy and confidential — all you need is two years of annual
income statements and balance sheet details. - Versatile usage from high–level view and options to dive deep for planning
and action. - Focus on growth, benchmarking against top performers, and achieving goals
What is the process? Get started in three simple steps.
1. Submit
Submit annual income statements and balance sheet data
2. Report
MarshBerry analysts benchmark all data and Financial Snapshot report is generated
3. Perform
Work with MarshBerry advisors to set goals to improve metrics and monitor performance over time