Proprietary Analytics

Think Data & Analytics. Think Best Practices.

Real-time access to metrics through dynamic and interactive forecasting models

MarshBerry’s data and research continues to evolve. Based on your evolving needs and performance, new data streams are created to help you drive the trajectory of your firm. MarshBerry’s Value Intelligence Portal (VI Portal) includes a section dedicated to dynamic and interactive models, which identify deeper insights, predictions, or recommendations.

Producer Stack Ranking
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The Producer Stack Ranking offers insight into how your sales staff are performing relative to their peers in the industry. Each producer’s book of business (including new business written, total book, average account size, and sales velocity rate) is benchmarked against MarshBerry’s proprietary producer database. This analysis is unlike any other available in the industry.

The Producer Stack Ranking also allows you to benchmark producer performance against other producers with similar experience and tenure, as well as lines of business (Commercial Lines, Personal Lines, or Life & Health business).

Staff Optimizer
staff optimizer screenshot

This interactive tool models four different staffing scenarios that illustrate the impact on your firm’s value by aligning your service and support staff to industry benchmark performance.

Cross-Sell Opportunity Finder
cross-sell opportunities screenshot

This interactive tool identifies potential cross-sell opportunities within each of your producers’ existing books of business.