MarshBerry Releases Annual M&A Year In Review

Outlook for the Insurance Distribution, Wealth Advisory & Retirement Planning Markets

May 6, 2024

Woodmere, OH, May 6, 2024 – MarshBerry, a global M&A advisory firm, serving the insurance brokerage and wealth management industries, has released its annual Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Year in Review.

MarshBerry’s Annual M&A Report provides a retrospective look at activity across Insurance Distribution, Wealth Advisory & Retirement Planning Markets primarily within the United States. In addition, the report includes highlights for the long-term anticipated consolidation in the European market as well as an outlook for 2024.

“This annual analysis reflects our dedication to providing invaluable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of insurance M&A,” said John Wepler, MarshBerry Chairman & CEO. As we navigate through these dynamic times, this report serves as a testament to our commitment to empower firms with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and drive strategic growth.”

The report showcases:

  • Insurance Brokerage Buyer & Seller Review
  • Insurance Brokerage Buyer Types
  • Insurance Specialty Market
  • InsurTech
  • Retirement & Wealth Advisory
  • The European Market
  • Employee Benefits & Consulting
  • 2024 Outlook

“MarshBerry’s annual M&A year in review isn’t just data; it’s a roadmap for growth,” said Phil Trem, MarshBerry President of Financial Advisory. “By leveraging the insights within, firms can seize opportunities, mitigate risks, and strategically position themselves for success in an increasingly competitive market.”

If you have questions about how MarshBerry helps firms create their path forward, in the U.S. or across Europe, please contact us today.

MarshBerry – Helping Clients Learn, Improve & Realize Value

Founded in 1981, MarshBerry is a global leader in financial advisory and consulting services serving the insurance brokerage and wealth management industries to help clients grow and advance their business strategies. With locations across North America and Europe, MarshBerry market sector expertise includes property and casualty agents & brokers, employee benefit firms and specialty distributors, partners in insurtech, capital markets, and insurance carriers, as well as registered investment advisors, retirement planning and life insurance firms. Clients choose MarshBerry as their trusted advisor for every stage of ownership to help them build, enhance and sustain value through Financial Advisory solutions (Investment Banking; Merger & Acquisition Advisory, Debt & Capital Raising, Business Consulting), Growth Advisory solutions (Organic Growth, Aggregation, Leadership, Sales & Talent Solutions) and Market Intelligence and Performance Benchmarking. Learn more at