To The Point: A MarshBerry Video Series

Dynamic Changes in the Specialty Market

The specialty sector (specifically E&S wholesale brokers) has largely been the beneficiary of a raising rate environment. George Bucur, Financial Advisory Director and Co-Head of the Specialty Practice, talks about the current rate environment and addresses the question – How may brokerages fare when rates return to historic norms given the mass consolidation that has impacted this sector?

Image of George Bucur

Get in touch with George Bucur

MarshBerry continues to be the #1 sell side advisor in the industry (as ranked by S&P Global). If you’re considering selling your firm, we are the best choice to help you through the complicated process. If you don’t hire MarshBerry, hire a reputable advisor that can help you navigate one of the most important business decisions you will ever make. You will be much better off having an advisor in your corner that knows the industry than trying to do this on your own.